Monday, January 14, 2008

That crazy accident that is life !!

As I sit here and ponder the meaning of life and where we should all be heading my mind started to wander. To those of you who know me you understand that this is a common occurrence when my brain just”Turns off”. Then I snap back into reality and continue on. Have you ever noticed how just when things are starting to run smooth in your life, BANG you run right into a brick wall. I just don’t understand that. Why is it life that? You think to yourself man things are finally starting to go my way, then you are t-boned by that giant semi truck that is real life. You start to look around see everyone else and think” Dang they get all the luck.” The funny thing about that is that they are most likely in the same spot as you are. Everyone has those days when they get in that fender bender with that big trucker that is not looking where he is going. Some of us just seem to be in his way more often than not. You just have to remember who is in control and where you can turn.


aubrey said...


Melissa Mae Johnson said...

VERY deep. I had no idea, Curtis. No idea ;)

Tamara said...

very great observation and the answer is that those who are the closest to the Lord get tested the hardest because Satan wants to make your faith wavier. Trust in the Lord and he will guide you the correct way. Don't ever doubt that and when you feel it is the hardest pray the most! Love ya

Heather said...

wow didn't know you had such a deep thought process!!! Also didn't know you had a blog.

Anonymous said...

Curtis, you are the man. I'm so glad you are the one taking care of my sister... so she can take care of you. Because you are just a little retarded. /hugs